What are the benefits of Amazonian superfruits?
Camu camu

This superfruit, harvested by hand by the Shipibo communities of the Amazon, is high in vitamin C , containing 3.5 times more vitamin C than orange pulp. Helps strengthen the immune system , collagen formation, provides energy, benefits the cardiovascular system and accelerates healing processes. It also has antioxidant action , thus reducing the effects of aging.

This Amazonian fruit is collected by the indigenous community of the Kukama Kukamiria and provides a large number of vitamins and minerals. It provides Omegas from a natural source such as Omega 3 that helps cardiovascular health, Omega 6 that contributes to good circulation, heart health and skin care, and Omega 9 that helps us increase good cholesterol. It also contains vitamin A that helps strengthen eyesight and the proper functioning of the heart , kidneys and lungs, Vitamin C that strengthens the Immune System, Potassium which helps fight fatigue , eliminate excess salt from the body and regulate blood pressure. , Calcium that helps protect bones and teeth, and Iron that helps tone the skin.
Healthy and nutritious recipes with Bio Amayu and its natural juices.
So that you don't want to try the new Bio Amayu juices and enjoy all its benefits, we invite you to prepare the following easy and delicious recipes, where in addition to enjoying a unique dish, you will be providing well-being to your body.
Bio Amayu Brunch
Cocktails with superfruits
Consuming Bio Amayu is not only providing well-being to your body, but also helping to protect the Amazon. Go ahead and try them and get a 15% discount with our code SAVINGTHEAMAZON on your first purchase. Get them in the virtual store www.bioamayu.co
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Soi adicto alas plantas,me trato cualquier enfemedad con vegetales.no me gusta vicitar los medicos por q no mandan el medicamento adecuado y no quiero intoxicar mi organismo con quimicos